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Project Neptune Keylogger Free

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  1. Project Neptune Keylogger Free Version
  2. Project Neptune Keylogger Download Free
  3. Project Neptune Keylogger Free Download
  4. Project Neptune Keylogger Free Trial

Project Neptune Keylogger

Project Neptune is simply a top tier program in monitoring the Windows OS. It's uses are simply undefined and endless – but we'll try to give you some insight on it.

Download: Project Neptune Keylogger v1.7 By: Unknown 07:48 Project Neptune includes many features that separate it from similar programs and simply make it the best - and no, these features and functions aren't half-way coded, dinky scripts.

Project Neptune is for monitoring web history, application history, and even messenger and email history through the simple usage of monitoring a computer's keyboard input.
This keylogger is very easy to use and it works perfect.
Download the Project Neptune Keylogger

Once it's downloaded, extract the folder to wherever you want and open it up. Then open the Project Neptune.exe.
Step Two

We are going to work our way through the different sections now, so there may be alot of text. Well, we will start with the tab titled: 'Keystrokes'.
To leave this simple, we are going to check the top box, 'Use Email for Storing Logs' instead of 'FTP(File Transfer Protocol)'. Leave the log time as 20 minutes as I think that is a good time frame between logs.
If they aren't already selected, check the four checkboxes below the time delay.
Leave the 'Header' options as they are.
For the Email Settings, I used a GMail account so my SMTP Sending Server was with a port of 587. If you are using Windows Live, simply change the SMTP from to
For the next box, put in your email address, then your email accounts password below that, and then your email address again in the box under that.
(NB: Do not worry, no one but you sees the email and password, but if you're really skeptical, just spend a few minutes to make a new account to use. Remember to remember the details as this is where your victims logs go to!) To test your email click the Test Email Account Information button.
Just leave the FTP Settings area alone.
Project Neptune Keylogger Free

Okay, so once you've filled in the KeyStrokes Tab, you can click on the tab that says 'Administrative'. You don't want/need to do much in this section. If you do too much then your keylogger won't be as effective as people will get suspicious.
For example, with the first set of options, 'Task Manager', I like to keep the first option checked, 'Keep Task Manager Enabled'. I know myself if suddenly my Task Manager wouldn't work I would get kinda suspicious..
So, just leave the first option check and move onto the 'Website Blocking' section. We just want to leave this empty, unless there is a specific site you don't want your victims to access, if you want to have a laugh, then check the box and type in, that way, your slave can't access Google.
You can leave the 'System Settings' section as it is as well.

We can now move onto the next tab, so click the one that says 'Application'. For the first section, we can leave it as it is so even if your slave isn't Admin it will still work :)

In the 'Installation Directory' section, you can choose where you want the Keylogger to live. I left it in the AppData folder. The only places where I would suggest not to install it are the Favorites and the Documents folders.

For the next box, 'Original File' I like to set mine to the third option, Set Original Installation File Attributes to Hidden. These means that once your keylogger has been installed into the folder of your choice, it will turn invisible. It doesn't matter which one of these you choose, but this option will make it harder for your slave to notice.

Skip the last section of this Tab.
Step Five
Now, click the 'Extra Options' tab. Here, you can choose if you want an error message to pop up or not. I chose not to but if you want to, click the box next to the word 'Message' and fill in the text boxes. You can also select the icon to pop up with the error. If you choose to put in an Error Message, go ahead and click 'Test Program Startup Message' to see if it works.
With the 'Miscellaneous' section, make sure that the only boxes ticked are send Installation Message on User's First Program Run and Don't Send Keystroke Logs if Nothing Has Been Typed by User.
The first one will let you know when the keylogger is installed and the second prevents your inbox from being majorly spammed with empty emails.
As we are on the free version of Project Neptune we can't change much in the Screenshots section, but if you want to see a screenshot of what your slave is doing, check the top option. You won't be able to affect the time between screenshots as we are using the free version.
Step Six

We are gonna go skip the 'App Settings' tab and go straight onto the 'Server Creation' one.

For the Server Settings section, you don't really need all these things but you can do it to make your .exe seem authentic. For description, put something describing what your pretending your keylogger is. I usually disguise mine as games so mine would have a description of the fake game. For company, make up some random company name.

For copyright, just write something like Copyright 2012.

Leave the two checkboxes unchecked. Skip the File Pumping section and the Server Generation for now.

Project Neptune Keylogger Free Version

Step Seven
So, we have filled in all the settings, now it is time to create our keylogger. You still need to be on the 'Server Creation' tab. Navigate down to the Server Generation section and click the Generate New Server button. Once you have clicked that, you will get your normal 'Save' menu. Choose where to save your program to, and give it a name. As I said before, I like to spread my keyloggers by saying they are a new game, so give it a similar sounding title.
So, just click save and there you have it, your own little keylogger

Hi! For one thing, I'd like to tell you that all credits for the genuine keylogger goes to Thyonic.

Trust you like My this Tutorial. I posted the keylogger a while back and it rapidly turned into the most mainstream keylogger on Hack Forums inside a month. It's still being developed right up 'til the present time, and it will naturally upgrade on start up if there is a redesign accessible.

Note: Most of these pictures are out of date. I'll get around to overhauling them sooner or later soon. Much obliged!

Project Neptune Keylogger Download Free


Project Neptune Keylogger Free Download

Since that is off the beaten path, to the excercise!

{project Neptune}

Project Neptune Keylogger Free Trial

– Download Information –

Download join:

What precisely makes this keylogger so uncommon?

Basically, it is a standout amongst the most steady, professional, and all around elegantly composed lumberjacks around. It gives careful consideration to the minor subtle elements and offers a lot of gimmicks.

– Tutorial –

Step One – Downloading Microsoft net framework for mac.

Most importantly, verify you go to the connection above to download it. You will require Winrar to concentrate it.

Project Neptune Keylogger Free

Okay, so once you've filled in the KeyStrokes Tab, you can click on the tab that says 'Administrative'. You don't want/need to do much in this section. If you do too much then your keylogger won't be as effective as people will get suspicious.
For example, with the first set of options, 'Task Manager', I like to keep the first option checked, 'Keep Task Manager Enabled'. I know myself if suddenly my Task Manager wouldn't work I would get kinda suspicious..
So, just leave the first option check and move onto the 'Website Blocking' section. We just want to leave this empty, unless there is a specific site you don't want your victims to access, if you want to have a laugh, then check the box and type in, that way, your slave can't access Google.
You can leave the 'System Settings' section as it is as well.

We can now move onto the next tab, so click the one that says 'Application'. For the first section, we can leave it as it is so even if your slave isn't Admin it will still work :)

In the 'Installation Directory' section, you can choose where you want the Keylogger to live. I left it in the AppData folder. The only places where I would suggest not to install it are the Favorites and the Documents folders.

For the next box, 'Original File' I like to set mine to the third option, Set Original Installation File Attributes to Hidden. These means that once your keylogger has been installed into the folder of your choice, it will turn invisible. It doesn't matter which one of these you choose, but this option will make it harder for your slave to notice.

Skip the last section of this Tab.
Step Five
Now, click the 'Extra Options' tab. Here, you can choose if you want an error message to pop up or not. I chose not to but if you want to, click the box next to the word 'Message' and fill in the text boxes. You can also select the icon to pop up with the error. If you choose to put in an Error Message, go ahead and click 'Test Program Startup Message' to see if it works.
With the 'Miscellaneous' section, make sure that the only boxes ticked are send Installation Message on User's First Program Run and Don't Send Keystroke Logs if Nothing Has Been Typed by User.
The first one will let you know when the keylogger is installed and the second prevents your inbox from being majorly spammed with empty emails.
As we are on the free version of Project Neptune we can't change much in the Screenshots section, but if you want to see a screenshot of what your slave is doing, check the top option. You won't be able to affect the time between screenshots as we are using the free version.
Step Six

We are gonna go skip the 'App Settings' tab and go straight onto the 'Server Creation' one.

For the Server Settings section, you don't really need all these things but you can do it to make your .exe seem authentic. For description, put something describing what your pretending your keylogger is. I usually disguise mine as games so mine would have a description of the fake game. For company, make up some random company name.

For copyright, just write something like Copyright 2012.

Leave the two checkboxes unchecked. Skip the File Pumping section and the Server Generation for now.

Project Neptune Keylogger Free Version

Step Seven
So, we have filled in all the settings, now it is time to create our keylogger. You still need to be on the 'Server Creation' tab. Navigate down to the Server Generation section and click the Generate New Server button. Once you have clicked that, you will get your normal 'Save' menu. Choose where to save your program to, and give it a name. As I said before, I like to spread my keyloggers by saying they are a new game, so give it a similar sounding title.
So, just click save and there you have it, your own little keylogger

Hi! For one thing, I'd like to tell you that all credits for the genuine keylogger goes to Thyonic.

Trust you like My this Tutorial. I posted the keylogger a while back and it rapidly turned into the most mainstream keylogger on Hack Forums inside a month. It's still being developed right up 'til the present time, and it will naturally upgrade on start up if there is a redesign accessible.

Note: Most of these pictures are out of date. I'll get around to overhauling them sooner or later soon. Much obliged!

Project Neptune Keylogger Download Free

Project Neptune Keylogger Free Download

Since that is off the beaten path, to the excercise!

{project Neptune}

Project Neptune Keylogger Free Trial

– Download Information –

Download join:

What precisely makes this keylogger so uncommon?

Basically, it is a standout amongst the most steady, professional, and all around elegantly composed lumberjacks around. It gives careful consideration to the minor subtle elements and offers a lot of gimmicks.

– Tutorial –

Step One – Downloading Microsoft net framework for mac.

Most importantly, verify you go to the connection above to download it. You will require Winrar to concentrate it.

After you have downloaded Project Neptune, just modifiable the envelope containing all the records to your desktop, in the same way as demonstrated:

Step Two – Setting Up Log Storing

Most importantly, you need to choose what you need to use to store

logs. For email, I suggest utilizing Gmail, and you can

make a record for that here:

This excercise will be utilizing Email, particularly Gmail, yet in the event that you need to utilize FTP, utilizing Drivehq, its free and permits a considerable measure of storage:

After you are carried out making your Gmail record, examine the picture underneath:

Step Three – Setting Up System Settings

There isn't much to do on this tab, however I'll give a little clarification on what everything does:

Number 1 – These choices essentially handicap taskmanager's capacity to end your server's methodology. In the event that you enact any, pick the last one, it has the littlest suspicion level!

Number 2 – This is for blocking sites, however be exhausted, in light of the fact that it obliges administrator rights and will crash in the event that it doesn't have it. Right click on the crate to include destinations.

Number 3 – All of these choices are clear as crystal, however be cautioned: they oblige administrator rights and will result in the server to crash if the customer doesn't have administrator rights. Mouse over them for more data.

Step Four – Installation Settings

This tab is for setting up how your keylogger gets introduced on your customer. You have to soften your document with the goal that it won't get messed around with after it is ran. This is simply a wellbeing peculiarity in the event that you'll be tainting savvy individuals, yet I generally utilize it!

Step Five – Extra Options

These are those additional choices that simply make it additionally energizing. Utilize the Fake Error Message in the event that you would prefer not to tie it to something/grave it.

Step Six – Server Generation

This is the last step!

Click on the 'Server Generation' tab and feel free to duplicate down the Uninstall secret key – you'll require this on the off chance that you ever test PN out on your machine. After that, feel free to hit 'Create New Server' and you're set to go!

Since you are carried out, your server record ought to be produced if everything went alright. In the event that you have any inquiries, don't hesitate to ask.

Protip: Click on the following tab and hit 'Spare Settings' so you don't need to enter the majority of this each time you utilize it!

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